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Educate who?
There are many organizations that exist to educate parents on the merits of inclusive education. But what is actually the point if the teachers and administrators that creating your child's education are not on board?
Include CA believes we need to educate:
Parents, Caregivers, extended family & students,
Teachers and paraeducators, and their union leaders
School leaders: Principals and superintendents
Administrators: Program Specialists, Special Education Directors, SELPA Directors
Parents whose children are unlabeled/non-disabled, PTA leaders
Policymakers, and legislators, at the state and national level
Many of these resources will work for any of these groups.
Basic Resources for Parents

Events to learn about Inclusion
Resources for IEP Support
Coming Soon
Rethinking Aides

Access to Common Core Curriculum - modifications, accomidations and diplomas
Resources on district level systemic change
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